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Over the fall, the theology reading group has been reading Nadia Bolz-Weber’s “Accidental Saints.” Everyone loved the discussion so much, we are considering for Winter-Spring beginning using the discussion questions in the book as a spring board for talking about faith. It is an opportunity to get to know one another, sharing about experiences with faith, church, our struggles and successes. Everyone is welcome to join even if you didn’t participate in the Fall. Reading “Accidental Saints” isn’t necessary for participating, but we can order you a copy if interested, which could arrive within a week. Contact the church office if you are interested in joining the group or want a copy of the book for $24: We may also choose a new book to read together this Spring and will share the details here when available. The group has been gathering Tuesdays, 7-8 PM PT over Zoom, and plans to continue beginning Tuesday, January 16 over Zoom.